Home â€º Facilities  â€º Computer Centre and Language Laboratory
The Computer centre of PIPS serves as the hub for computer educational services pertaining
to the needs of each and every student. The Centre manages 30 work stations equipped with
sophisticated software for student and faculty use. Our centre plays a crucial role in
supporting advanced learning by providing students the opportunity to train on widely used
and emerging in silico softwares such as AutoDock, Discovery Studio, ChemDraw, ADMET
tools, and more. The Language Laboratory software installed in the Centre allows the
students to improve their quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, critical thinking and
analytical writing skills to prepare themselves for internationally accepted standardised tests
such as GRE, TOEFL, IELTS etc. In addition to that the centre is fully equipped to handle
almost every modern learning tools required for student development.
Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical
(Under Pratiksha Educational Trust)

Chandrapur Road, Panikhaiti, Guwahati-26

Assam. Pin-781026


Contact: 90851-22 222

© Copyright Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences(PIPS), Guwahati

Powered By Rely Healthcare Technologies

Designed & Developed By Rely Healthcare Technologies

© Copyright Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( PIPS ), Guwahati

Powered By Rely Healthcare Technologies