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Cultural Events:
In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides social and economic benefits to the society. Emphasizing on this, students at Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences are given full opportunity to explore their talent by showcasing it in various cultural events organised by the Institution itself and various eminent universities & other organisations. This will help the students to build a healthy socio-economic life for themselves and towards the society.
Various Events which are organised at Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences are:
1) Programs under Ek Bharat Shresht Bharat
2) Teachers Day Celebration
3) National Unity Day
4) World Pharmacist Day
5) Tree Plantation Drive
6) International Yoga Day
7) Annual Sports and Cultural Meet, ASTU
8) World Student Day
9) World Environment Day
10) Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan
Co-curricular Activity:
International Webinar on COVID -19:
Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Science in association with Assam Pharmacy Council organised a three day International webinar on the topic “Management of COVID- 19 pandemic Current Facts, Challenges and Future Prospects” form 26 th to 28 th May 2020 in which people from across the globe participated and provided vital insights in the fight against COVID -19.
Webinar on “Insight on Research Proposal writing and research grant”:
Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guwahati, Assam organized a one day webinar entitled “Insight on Research Proposal writing and research grant” on 22 nd June 2020 for Academicians, Research scholars & PG Students. The main aim of the webinar was to provide the insight and critical aspects of writing a research proposal for getting a good research grant from the various funding agencies.
Personallity Development:
Students are given outmost importance for all round Development. Career counselling as well as skill development are focused to grow in their respective field.
Industrial training tour and Field trips:
As a part of the curriculum all the students are allowed to carry out industrial training in various Pharmaceutical Industries. Field trips are provided to places like Guwahati Biotech park at IIT Guwahati where the students get a first hand experience about current research scenarios and modern instruments and NEDFi R&D centre of medicinal & aromatic plants to enhance their vision regarding the future prospects in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
As the old adage goes, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ thereby to make sure our students stay fit and healthy, various indoor as well as outdoor sport facilities have been included in the campus. Events such as Annual sports day are conducted each year in the premises. To foster the spirit of competitiveness our students are allowed to take part in various intra university sports event.
Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical
(Under Pratiksha Educational Trust)

Chandrapur Road, Panikhaiti, Guwahati-26

Assam. Pin-781026

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Contact: 90851-22 222

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