Home â€º About Us  â€º Why Choose PIPS?

The Institute is a brain child of  “Dr Pramod Kr Sharma” Honourable Chairman of Pratiksha Educational Trust . Recognising the scenario of dearth in the Pharmacists and helath care Professionals it was a visionary dream of our Honourable Chairman to establish an institute of Pharmacy. Already the trust is running a Nursing  since the year 2018. Pharmacy is also a very important branch of  the health care system that forms the backbone of the health care industry. Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences is offering B.Pharm and D.Pharm . The course and curriculum is designed to allow students the opportunity to become self directed generalist and industry ready who will be able to function in a variety of settings.








Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical
(Under Pratiksha Educational Trust)

Chandrapur Road, Panikhaiti, Guwahati-26

Assam. Pin-781026

Email:[email protected]

Contact: 90851-22 222

© Copyright Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences(PIPS), Guwahati

Powered By Rely Healthcare Technologies

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© Copyright Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( PIPS ), Guwahati

Powered By Rely Healthcare Technologies