Home â€º About Us  â€º Message from the Principal
Dr. Satyendra Deka
Principal cum Professor, PIPS

The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read.                                                                                         

-Abraham Lincoln


As I pen these paragraph, a few lines from YouyouTu, the Nobel Prize winner for the discovery of the antimalarial drug Artemisinin comes to mind; “My choice of learning pharmacy was driven by my interests, curiosity, and a desire to seek new medicines for patients.” To the common people, the word pharmacist may simply imply that the concerned person has knowledge about drugs. However, if one goes deep, he will know that to be a pharmacist means to have vast knowledge of not only drugs but how they work, their dosage, chemical composition, their interaction with other drugs and their adverse effects, which is by no means an easy feat. At Pratiksha, our faculties take the onus upon themselves to teach the students all the required aspects to be an expert in this field. As we step into the 5th year of our institute, I look back with a sense of pride at all the achievements that we have managed at such a short period of time. Within a few years we have established ourselves as a renowned and reputed institute which is validated by the University results. We have successfully managed to maintain excellent academic results year after year even when faced with tough situations brought about by COVID-19. And not only in regular academics, nine of our students have cracked the highly competitive GPAT exams this year that are a prerequisite for obtaining a fellowship and admission into prestigious Govt. colleges an institutes of repute such as NIPER. Our faculty members too constantly upgrade themselves by taking part in various refresher courses, faculty development programs and seminars so that they are always updated about the current teaching methodologies as well as information pertaining to the medicine world which they pass on to the students. They are encouraged to take part in various cultural programs, literary and sports events conducted by various universities and organizations and have, in several cases in the past, emerged victorious over other teams. Our students are guided by the teachers to work in proper projects and publish their work in seminars conducted in as well as outside the college which gives them a considerable edge over others when they go out into the field or for higher studies.  The students and teachers had recently worked hand in hand to conduct a National Seminar “Pharmagyanav 2022” for which we have received accolades from reputed institutes and personalities from the scientific and pharmaceutical backgrounds from across India for our effort. With these words, I assure you that your wards become our family once they join our institute and we look after them as we would look after our own family by guiding and motivating them with care in each and every step of their journey.

Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical
(Under Pratiksha Educational Trust)

Chandrapur Road, Panikhaiti, Guwahati-26

Assam. Pin-781026

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