Home â€º Facilities  â€º Basic Facilities
The institute provides transportation facility through bus service to all students and staffs
along prescribed routes between the City and the Institute.
The institute have a gallery of various historical and scientific interests related to
Pharmaceutical Sciences and the different subjects of the pharmacy course including various
dosage forms, anatomical models etc. which provides vital knowledge to all the student
Seminar Hall
A well setup air conditioned seminar hall with ample seating capacity for holding talks from
eminent personalities, seminars and functions is present in the institute with all the necessary
infrastructure like LCD projectors, sound system and screens.
Merit reward
Merit reward is presented annually for both the diploma and bachelor course students for
excellence in academic activity.
Insurance coverage
The Institute provides free insurance coverage for specified terms to every student of
B. Pharm and D. Pharm.
Medical care facility
A doctor, nurse and pharmacist are present at all the time in the institute premises for
immediate treatment in case of any kind of casualty. The treatment for any injury occurring in
the campus would be covered by institute itself.
The institute premise contains fire extinguishers for managing accidental fires and is duly
certified by the local fire service department. The entire PIPS campus including the building
is under twenty four hours CCTV surveillance. Security personal are present round the clock
at the campus entrance.
A well-equipped canteen is housed in a spacious building proving hygienic and good quality
breakfast, lunch, tea and snacks at moderate cost.
Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical
(Under Pratiksha Educational Trust)

Chandrapur Road, Panikhaiti, Guwahati-26

Assam. Pin-781026

Email:[email protected]

Contact: 90851-22 222

© Copyright Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences(PIPS), Guwahati

Powered By Rely Healthcare Technologies

Designed & Developed By Rely Healthcare Technologies

© Copyright Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( PIPS ), Guwahati

Powered By Rely Healthcare Technologies