Home â€º Facilities  â€º Herbal Plant Garden & Herbal Information System
Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guwahati, Assam has been maintaining its own
herbal Plant Garden since 2018 covering a total area of 150 sq meters. The garden maintains a
live collection of around 100 species of different medicinal and aromatic plants. All the plant
species are authentically identified & labeled with their Taxonomic Classification. Different
Species from different families like Crassulaceae, Lythraceae, Vitaceae, Menispermaceae etc.
  • To educate students in identifying different types of herbal plants.
  • To serves an important tool for teaching and research.
  • The plants grown are useful in the practical classes of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Drug Technology
  • To encourage students to use herbs in food and health.
  • To propagate the team work among the student.
  • The collection of plants is also useful to prepare herbarium specimens by students
Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guwahati, Assam has introduced a new digital
Herbal information Centre in the Year 2020 in the Institute focusing on different plants endemic
to North East India by providing informationliketaxonomic classification,
theirtraditionalandindustrial uses andmajor classes of chemicals found in those herbs which may
play an important role in novel pharmaceutical product development.
  • To encompass not only plants of medicinal value but also those having potential to alter body’s normal dynamics
  • It will also avail data on other properties such as teratogens, allergens, pesticides and culinary use of those Plants.
  • To serve as a doorway for newer dimensions towards searching novel therapeutics.




Pratiksha Institute of Pharmaceutical
(Under Pratiksha Educational Trust)

Chandrapur Road, Panikhaiti, Guwahati-26

Assam. Pin-781026

Email:[email protected]

Contact: 90851-22 222

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